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Tim Ballinger Photography


Hi, my name is Tim Ballinger and I moved to Millmerran around 5 years ago.

2 years ago, the wife and I went out exploring the area and while doing so she wanted to

take some photos. We set a challenge to take the best photo. I had my phone, and she had a

camera. The family voted and somehow, I won.

I really enjoyed being able to see things a different way with photography. Instead of seeing

the landscape as a whole you pick out the best bits and show its beauty within.

We are so lucky to live in and are with such an amazing amount of colour and birdlife. From

the open plains and crops to the hills, creeks and waterways and I enjoy getting out in the

early morning and seeing all the colours start to appear and capturing it. I brought a second-

hand setup and taught myself how to use it and I hope you enjoy seeing your local area as I

have captured it.

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